Raptors at The Cloudveil

Event Series Family Program

Family Program

Teton Raptor Center 5450 WY-Highway 22, Wilson, WY

Join us on the third Saturday of each month for an hour-long kid and family-friendly program where you will meet live birds and participate in a fun, educational activity. These programs are designed for families with kids between 5 and 12 years of age. Programs will have a new theme each month. The cost includes...

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Event Series Avian Experience

Avian Experience

Teton Raptor Center 5450 WY-Highway 22, Wilson, WY

Join us for a 60-minute up-close, live bird experience. Visit our newly restored historic barn to learn about raptors and their role in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. You’ll also discover more about our work in the field studying birds of prey and in our clinic, where we care for injured, ill, and orphaned raptors and...

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Event Series Avian Experience

Avian Experience

Teton Raptor Center 5450 WY-Highway 22, Wilson, WY

Join us for a 60-minute up-close, live bird experience. Visit our newly restored historic barn to learn about raptors and their role in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. You’ll also discover more about our work in the field studying birds of prey and in our clinic, where we care for injured, ill, and orphaned raptors and...

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Event Series Feathered Fridays at Jackson Hole Airport

Feathered Fridays at Jackson Hole Airport

Jackson Hole Airport 1250 East Airport Road, Jackson, WY, United States

Join us for Flights and Feathers at the Jackson Hole Airport! We will be set up in arrivals and open to the public. The program takes place from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. every Friday starting December 15, 2023 and runs through March 15, 2024. Birds will be put away promptly at 2 p.m. No...

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Event Series Avian Experience

Avian Experience

Teton Raptor Center 5450 WY-Highway 22, Wilson, WY

Join us for a 60-minute up-close, live bird experience. Visit our newly restored historic barn to learn about raptors and their role in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. You’ll also discover more about our work in the field studying birds of prey and in our clinic, where we care for injured, ill, and orphaned raptors and...

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Event Series Avian Experience

Avian Experience

Teton Raptor Center 5450 WY-Highway 22, Wilson, WY

Join us for a 60-minute up-close, live bird experience. Visit our newly restored historic barn to learn about raptors and their role in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. You’ll also discover more about our work in the field studying birds of prey and in our clinic, where we care for injured, ill, and orphaned raptors and...

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Event Series Avian Experience

Avian Experience

Teton Raptor Center 5450 WY-Highway 22, Wilson, WY

Join us for a 60-minute up-close, live bird experience. Visit our newly restored historic barn to learn about raptors and their role in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. You’ll also discover more about our work in the field studying birds of prey and in our clinic, where we care for injured, ill, and orphaned raptors and...

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