

Blood Biochemical Reference Intervals in Raptors

In human medicine, routine blood panels are a cornerstone of diagnosing underlying health conditions. Yet, it wasn’t until the late 1960s that hematologic (blood) biochemical reference ranges for healthy humans were first established—before then, doctors faced significant challenges in detecting blood-related disorders. For raptors, the challenge persists. Reliable blood reference ranges remain scarce, limiting the ability of wildlife medical specialists to diagnose and treat injured or ill birds effectively.

At Teton Raptor Center, we are working to close this critical knowledge gap by establishing blood biochemical reference ranges for nine raptor species that currently lack sufficient data. Our research involves safely trapping wild raptors, collecting blood samples, and building a comprehensive database to support advancements in raptor medicine. We are thrilled to share that this important study will continue through 2025, thanks to a generous sponsorship of diagnostic supplies from Zoetis, a global leader in veterinary biomedical innovation. Their support is helping us push the boundaries of raptor healthcare, ensuring that these incredible birds receive the best possible treatment. Stay tuned for updates as we expand our understanding of raptor health and conservation!

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