

Great Horned Owl Chick Re-Nesting Success

This summer has been busy at our rehabilitation clinic, with numerous injured, ill, and orphaned raptors and corvids arriving from across Wyoming and Idaho for medical treatment and care. One story, in particular, has deeply touched our hearts, and we are excited to share it with you.

Early this summer, we received several orphaned Great Horned Owl chicks that needed fostering in different nests. We couldn’t place them all in one nest, as we didn’t want to overwhelm the wild parents with three extra mouths to feed. Therefore, we separated and re-nested the chicks in various nests.

One of these nests is conveniently close to our center, and thanks to the homeowners who have the nest on their property, we’ve been able to capture photos and observe the chicks as they grow and fledge. We are thrilled to share this success story, highlighting the benefits of re-nesting healthy young birds so they can live wild and free, where they truly belong.

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