

Learn about Great Gray Owls with TRC Research Associate Katherine Gura

On August 1st, head to the AMK research station in Grand Teton National Park for the Harlow Summer Seminar Series, featuring TRC Research Associate Dr. Katherine Gura!  A BBQ dinner begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by Katherine’s presentation on how changing snow conditions affect movements and nesting of Great Gray Owls in the GYE.

Vengan a Teton Raptor Center el 7 de agosto para un programa sobre aves rapaces con un pájaro en vivo!  Durante esta interesante experiencia, aprenderá sobre el papel vital que desempeñan las aves rapaces en el ecosistema del Gran Yellowstone, nuestros proyectos de investigación en curso y los tratamientos brindados en nuestra clínica para aves rapaces y córvidos heridos, enfermos y huérfanos. Regístrase en línea en nuestro sitio web

Come visit Teton Raptor Center on August 7th at 6pm for our next Winged Wednesday program diving into the raptors of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem completely in Spanish! The hour-long presentation will include an overview of the different kinds of hawks, eagles, owls, and falcons found in and around Jackson, along with the steps we can take to conserve our feathered friends. This program will be conducted completely in Spanish with all audiences welcome to join. Register online at our website!

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