

Old Bill’s Fun Run

We rallied, we ran, and many of you gave so the birds can soar. Even though the race is over, there’s still time to make a gift to keep wild birds wild and help us meet the match through Old Bill’s Fun Run! The giving season ends on Friday, September 13th at 5 p.m. MT. 

 Here’s how even the smallest contribution creates lasting change:

  • $5 – Puts a color band on a raptor, helping us track and study these magnificent birds for years to come.
  • $10 – Feeds Gus, our Golden Eagle, for a day, providing him with five quail to keep him healthy and strong.
  • $25 – Funds a month of GPS tracking for a Golden Eagle, helping us gather crucial data for their conservation.
  • $50 – Covers five lead toxicity tests for raptors in our care, helping us diagnose and treat birds suffering from lead poisoning.
  • $100 – Provides art supplies for two classroom programs, inspiring the next generation of conservationists through creativity and education.
  • $500 – Feeds Cache, our American Kestrel, for an entire year—supplying him with 75 quail and 394 mice!
  • $1,500 – Registers all of our vehicles for a year, allowing us to conduct critical field research, rescue injured birds, and deliver outreach programs across the region.

Every dollar you give helps protect these remarkable birds and supports the work that ensures their survival. Whether it’s feeding an eagle, saving a life with lead testing, or fueling our field research, your generosity has a direct and powerful impact. When you donate during the Old Bill’s Fun Run giving season, your gift is amplified through matching funds from CoChallengers and Friends of the Match.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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