

Patient Care Statistics

Summer has brought a surge of activity to Teton Raptor Center’s rehabilitation clinic. Each year, our clinic sees an increasing number of raptor admissions, and 2024 is no exception. Back in 2018, we admitted a total of 127 patients for the entire year. Fast forward to August 15, 2024, and we’ve already seen 154 raptors come through our doors—an all-time high for this point in the year.

Several factors contribute to this steady rise in admissions. Habitat loss, increased human interactions, and climate change are well-known challenges impacting raptor populations. Additionally, Teton Raptor Center’s growing visibility in Wyoming and Idaho, bolstered by our educational outreach, has led to more referrals from veterinarians, state and federal agencies like Wyoming Game & Fish, and the general public. 

As the number of patients continues to climb, so do the costs associated with their care. On any given day, our team may be providing care, treatment, and rehabilitation for up to 25 birds. This intensive care involves considerable time, effort, and resources. Here’s a glimpse into some of the costs of care:

  • One feeder mouse: $0.89
  • One feeder rat: $3.49
  • One lead test: $10.60
  • One bottle of antibiotics (Clavamox): $20.50
  • One Abaxis blood test: $40.00

While we are fortunate to have access to essential resources, these costs add up quickly, especially for patients requiring extended stays. We rely heavily on the generosity of our supporters to make this work possible. If you’re able, please consider donating to support the birds in our care and our mission of raptor conservation. Old Bill’s Fun Run offers a great opportunity to make your gift mean even more this time of year.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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