

Research Team Presents at Wildlife Society Conference

Earlier this month, our research team attended the joint Wyoming and Colorado Chapters of The Wildlife Society (TWS) conference. This conference is an amazing opportunity to learn about current research and management topics within the broader wildlife field, as well as make connections with fellow biologists and conservationists. Additionally, three people on our research team gave verbal presentations.

Bryan Bedrosian, our Conservation Director and Sporting Lead-Free (SLF) founder, co-presented with Kristin Cannon of Colorado Parks and Wildlife on lead-free collaborations and outreach efforts in Colorado. 

Hilary Turner, our Research Biologist, presented an exciting new blood chemistry project, a collaboration between our research and rehabilitation departments. The project will establish baseline blood chemistry reference ranges for wild North American raptors such as Golden Eagles and Ferruginous Hawks. These baseline values will help us understand what’s normal for a given species, making diagnosis and treatment in our clinic more precise. 

Adrian Rouse, our Field Research Biologist, gave his first conference presentation on Golden Eagle wintering strategies in the western US. Adrian’s talk was very well-received and he got a lot of questions. Nice job team!

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