Soaring Society
Dear Friends of Teton Raptor Center,
As we celebrate the essence of spring and your dedication to raptor conservation, our journey to protect wild birds through education, research, and rehabilitation continues. Raptors, as vital indicators of ecosystem health, link us to diverse communities, cultures, and continents. They inspire awe, wonder, and admiration.
In this spirit, I’m thrilled to share our partnership with FreeWill. Their innovative tool allows you to make a meaningful statement about the legacy you wish to leave, ensuring the security of your loved ones, possessions, and our avian friends for generations. Creating your will with FreeWill is more than a practical step—it’s a nurturing act, much like a bird carefully tending its nest. In just 20 minutes, you can lay a foundation for your family’s future while contributing to raptor preservation. Whether you complete your plans with an attorney’s guidance or outline your wishes with FreeWill, you’re taking a proactive step in securing your legacy and supporting our mission.
By making a planned gift to Teton Raptor Center—be it through your will, trust, retirement account, or other deferred giving plans—you commit to keeping wild birds wild. As a token of our gratitude, we invite you to join the Soaring Society, a community of generous individuals dedicated to the future of raptor conservation.
Together, let’s ensure that our raptor conservation efforts soar. Your support is invaluable, and we deeply appreciate it.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please reach out to me directly.
With warmest regards,

Amy Brennan McCarthy
Chief Executive Officer
P.S. If you have already included us in your estate plan, please fill out this quick form so we can express our gratitude for your generosity.