
Movement Ecology and Habitat Mapping

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Predicting the spatial distribution of wintering golden eagles to inform full annual cycle conservation in western North America.
Wallace ZP, Bedrosian BE, Dunk JR, LaPlante DW, Woodbridge B, Smith BW, et al. 2024  PLoS ONE 19(1): e0297345.

Interpreting Long-Distance Movements of Non-Migratory Golden Eagles: Prospecting and Nomadism?”
Poessel, Sharon A., Brian Woodbridge, Brian W. Smith, Robert K. Murphy, Bryan E. Bedrosian, Douglas A. Bell, David Bittner, et al. 2022. Ecosphere 13(6): e4072.

Ecological Insights from Three Decades of Animal Movement Tracking across a Changing Arctic.
S. C. Davidson, G. Bohrer, E. Gurarie, S. LaPoint, P. J Mahoney, N. T Boelman, J.UH Eitel, L. R Prugh, L.A Vierling, J.Jennewein, E. Grier, O. Couriot, A. P Kelly, A. JH Meddens, R.Y Oliver, R. Kays, M. Wikelski, Tomas Aarvak, J. T Ackerman, J. A Alves, E. Bayne, B. Bedrosian, et. al. 2020. Science 370: 712-715.

Migration Corridors of Adult Golden Eagles Originating in Northwestern North America.
Bedrosian, B, Domenech, R., Shreading, A., Hayes, M., Booms, T., and C. Barger. 2018. PLOS One 13: e0205204.

Common Raven Movement and Space Use: Influence of Anthropogenic Subsidies Within Greater Sage-grouse Nesting Habitat.
Harju, S. M., C. V. Olson, J. E. Hess, and B. Bedrosian. 2018. Ecosphere 9(7):e02348. 10.1002/ecs2.2348

Patterns of Spatial Distribution of Golden Eagles Across North America: How Do They Fit into Existing Landscape-Scale Mapping Systems?
Brown, J., Bedrosian, B., Bell, D., Braham, M., Cooper, J., Crandall, R., DiDonato, J., Domenech, R., Duerr, A., Katzner, T., Lanzone, M., LaPlante, D., McIntyre, C., Miller, T., Murphy, R., Shreading, A., Slater, S., Smith, J., Smith, B., Watson, J., and B. Woodbridge. 2017. Journal of Raptor Research 51:197-215.

Great Gray Owls Nesting in Atypical, Low-elevation Habitat in the Sierra Nevada, California.
Polasik, J., Wu, J., Roberts, K., and R. Siegel. Journal of Raptor Research 50: 194-206.

Migratory Pathways, Timing, and Home Ranges of Southern Greater Yellowstone Osprey.
Bedrosian, B. Cain, Steven L.; Wolf, Susan; Craighead, Derek J. 2015. Journal of Raptor Research 49: 325-332.

Space Use and Habitat Selection by Adult Migrant Golden Eagles Wintering in the Western United States.
Domenech, R., Bedrosian, B., Crandall, R., and V. Slabe. 2015. Journal of Raptor Research 46: 429-440.

Habitat Prioritization Across Large Landscapes, Multiple Seasons, and Novel Areas: An Example Using Greater Sage-Grouse in Wyoming.
Fedy, B., Aldridge, C., Doherty, K., O’Donnell, M., Beck, J., Bedrosian, B., Gummer, D., Holloran, M., Johnson, J., Gregory D., Kaczor, N., Kirol, C., Mandich, C., Marshall, D., Mckee, G., Olson, C., Pratt, A., Swanson, C., and B. Walker. 2014. Wildlife Monographs 190: 1-39.

Interseasonal Movements of Greater Sage-Grouse, Migratory Behavior, and Assessment of the Core Regions Concept in Wyoming.
Fedy, B., Aldridge, C., Doherty, K. O’Donnell, M. Beck, J., Bedrosian, B., Holloran, M., Johnson, G., Kaczor, N., Kirol, C., Mandich, C., Marshall, D., Olson, C., Swanson, C., and B. Walker. 2012. The Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 1062-1071.

Habitat and Nest-Site Use by Red-Tailed Hawks in Northwest Wyoming.
Smith, R., Cain, S., Anderson, S., and J. Dunk. 2003. Journal of Raptor Research 37: 2019-227.

Reports and Graduate Theses

Variation in Habitat Selection, Seasonal Movements, and Reproductive Output of a Facultative Migrant, the Great Gray Owl. K. Gura. 2023.

Sage-grouse Movements, Productivity, and Habitat Use in the Spread Creek Area, 2016 Report.
Bedrosian, B., Gura, K., and N. Ciaravelli. 2016.

Sage-grouse Geophagy and Movements in the Pinedale Region.
Bedrosian, B., Hemenway J., and D. Woolwine. 2016.

Greater Sage-grouse Movements and Geophagy Study in Western Wyoming.
Bedrosian, B., Woolwine, D., Hemenway, J., and M. Holloran. 2015.

Population Ecology

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Age-specific Survival Rates, Causes of Death, and Allowable Take of Golden Eagles in Western United States.
Millsap, B., Zimmerman, G., Kendall, W., Barnes, J., Braham, M., and B. Bedrosian, et al. 2022. Ecological Applications: e2544.

Survival estimates and cause of mortality of Golden Eagles in South-central Montana.
Crandall, R., Craighead, D., Bedrosian, B., and V. Slabe. 2019. Journal of Raptor Research 53: 38-45.

A Comparison of Nest Survival Between Cliff- and Tree-Nesting Golden Eagles.
Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., and R. Crandall. 2016. Journal of Raptor Research 50: 295-300.

Habitat Selection and Factors Influencing Nest Survival of Golden Eagles in South-Central Montana.
Bedrosian, B., Craighead, D., and R. H. Crandall. 2015. 49: 413-428.

Common Raven Activity in Relation to Land Use in Western Wyoming: Implications for Greater Sage-Grouse Reproductive Success.
Bui, T., Marzluff, J., and B. Bedrosian. 2010. The Condor 000 1:14.

Blackfly-Induced Mortality of Nestling Red-Tailed Hawks.
Smith, R., Cain, S., Anderson, S., Dunk, J., and E. Williams. 1998. The Auk 115: 368-375.

Nest-Site Selection and Reproductive Success in Common Ravens.
Dunk, J., Smith, R., and S. Cain. 1997.  The Auk 114: 116-120.

Reports and Graduate Theses

Coordinated Statewide Flammulated Owl Survey: Final Report.
Wallace, Z. and B. Bedrosian. 2020. Prepared for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

Northwestern Plains Golden Eagle Conservation Strategy.
Bedrosian, B, Wallace, Z., and G. Bedrosian. 2019. Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by the Teton Raptor Center.

Wyoming and Uinta Basins Golden Eagle Conservation Strategy.
Wallace, Z., G. Bedrosian, B. Woodbridge, G. Williams, B.E. Bedrosian, and J. Dunk. 2019. Wyoming and Uinta Basins Golden Eagle Conservation Strategy. Unpublished report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Western Golden Eagle Team by the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database and Eagle Environmental, Inc.

Occupancy, Nest Success and Habitat Use of Great Gray Owls in Western Wyoming.
Bedrosian, B., Gura, K., and B. Mendelson. 2013-2015.

Nesting and Post-Fledging Ecology of the Common Raven in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.
B. Bedrosian. 2005.


We are in the process of analyzing these data…stay tuned!

Genetics & Lead Research

Peer-Reviewed Publications

A 37 K SNP array for the management and conservation of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos).
Judkins, M., Roemer, G., Milsap, B., Barnes, J., Bedrosian, B., Clarke, S., Domenech, R., Herring, G., Lamont, M., Smith, B., Stahlecker, D., Stuber, M., Warren, W., Van Den Bussche, R. 2023. Conservation Genetics

Population Genomic Diversity and Structure at the Discontinuous Southern Range of the Great Gray Owl in North America.
Mendelsohn, B., Bedrosian, B., Love Stowell, S., Gagne, R., LaCava, M., Godwin B., Hull, J., and H. Ernest. 2020. Conservation Genetics 21: 693-706.

Critically Assessing the Utility of Portable Lead Analyzers for Wildlife Conservation
Herring, G., Eagles-Smith, C., Bedrosian, B, Craighead, D, Domenech, R. Langner, H. Parish, C., Shreading, A. Welch, A. and R. Wolstenholme. 2018. The Wildlife Society Bulletin 42: 284-294.

Low Neutral Genetic Diversity in Isolated Greater Sage-Grouse Populations is Northwest Wyoming.
Schulwitz, S. Bedrosian, B., and J. Johnson. 2014. The Condor 116: 560-573.

Lead Exposure in Bald Eagles from Big Game Hunting, the Continental Implications and Successful Mitigation Efforts.
Bedrosian, B., Crandall, R., and D. Craighead. 2012.  PLOS One: E51978.

A Relationship Between Blood Lead Levels of Common Ravens and the Hunting Season in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Bedrosian, B. and D. Craighead. 2009. 

Blood Lead Levels of Common Ravens With Access to Big-Game Offal.
Bedrosian, B. and D. Craighead. 2008. The Journal of Wildlife Management 72: 240-245.

Difference Between Blood Lead Level Detection Techniques: Analysis Within and Among Three Techniques and Four Avian Species.
Bedrosian, B., Parrish, C., and D. Craighead. 2008. 

Lead Exposure in Large Carnivores and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Rogers, T., Bedrosian, B., Graham, J., and K. R. Foresman. 2012. The Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 575-582.

Field Methods and Other Research

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Synchronous Tail Molt in Great Gray Owls.
Gura, K., Bedrosian, B., and B. Mendelsohn. 2017. Journal of Raptor Research 51: 190-192.

Wing Loading in North American Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos)
Lish, J. 2016. Journal of Raptor Research, 50(1), 70-75.

Band Wear in Common Ravens.
Bedrosian, B., and D. Craighead. 2008. North American Bird Banding. 32: 149-152.

Evaluation of Techniques for Attaching Transmitters to Common Raven Nestlings.
Bedrosian, B., and D. Craighead. 2007. Northwestern Naturalist. 88: 1-6.

Frequency of Injuries in Three Raptor Species Wintering in Northeastern Arkansas.
Bedrosian, B. and A. St. Pierre. 2007. The Wilson Journal or Ornithology. 119: 296-298.

Record Mass for North American Golden Eagle.
Bedrosian, B. and D. Craighead. 2007. Journal of Raptor Research 42: 156 -157.

Effects of Blowdown on Small Mammal Populations.
Pauli, J., Bedrosian, B., and N. Osterberg. 2005. American Midland Naturalist 156: 151-162.


Phantom of the North: Great Gray Owls of Yellowstone and the Tetons.
Mattheis, Steve and Katherine Gura. 2019. Sweetgrass Books. Helena, MT.

Avian Predators in Rangelands
Bedrosian, Bryan. 2023. In: McNew, L.B., Dahlgren, D.K., Beck, J.L. (eds) Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. Springer, Cham. 

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