

Run. Fly. Give.

Dear Friends,

This August, you have two powerful ways to make a difference for raptors: by giving now through Old Bill’s Fun Run and by planning a lasting legacy during National Make-A-Will Month.

The matching funds and generosity sparked by Old Bill’s Fun Run allow us to rescue and rehabilitate more birds, advance crucial research to ensure raptors can thrive, and create unforgettable encounters for people of all ages to experience birds of prey up close. Your gift today will have an immediate impact, allowing us to further our vision to keep wild birds wild.

But your impact doesn’t have to end there. National Make-A-Will Month offers the perfect opportunity to ensure your commitment to raptor conservation extends far into the future. By creating or updating your will, you can protect what you cherish most—ensuring that the wild birds you love continue to flourish for generations to come.

This month, you can:

Give Now: Support Teton Raptor Center through Old Bill’s Fun Run to help us meet our immediate needs and continue our vital work.

Give Later: Secure your legacy by including Teton Raptor Center in your estate plans. Our partnership with FreeWill makes it easy, with a simple, no-cost tool that allows you to create or update your will in just 20 minutes.

When you include Teton Raptor Center in your plans, you’ll join our Soaring Society, a community of dedicated supporters committed to making a lasting impact on raptor conservation. If you’ve already included us in your estate plans, please let us know by filling out this quick form so we can express our gratitude.

Thank you for considering both immediate and lasting ways to support our mission. Together, we can ensure that wild birds remain wild—today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.

With deep appreciation and immense gratitude for your support, 

Amy Brennan McCarthy
Chief Executive Officer

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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