

TRC… Teton Re-Nesting Center?

We know it’s finally spring when our rehabilitation clinic hotline starts ringing off the hook with calls about nestling and fledgling birds. In just the past two weeks, we have admitted eight nestlings from four different species—Golden Eagle, Great Horned Owl, Swainson’s Hawk, and Common Raven. These young birds have come to us either displaced from their nests or orphaned. Our team has been busy treating those in need of medical attention and finding suitable foster nests. Fortunately, raptor parents are very reliable in caring for nestlings of the same species, even if they are not their own. TRC’s rehabilitation and research crews have collaborated to re-nest two Golden Eagles, two Great Horned Owls, and one Common Raven. We are currently assessing suitable nesting locations for our remaining Great Horned Owl and Swainson’s Hawk nestlings.

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