

Love is in the Air: Poo-Poo Project Match

As we approach Valentine’s Day, we have an extraordinary opportunity to
double the impact of the Poo-Poo Project through a generous matching donation!

Imagine this: Every year, countless small cavity-nesting birds face a perilous fate in the depths of vault toilets. The venting pipe at the top of these campground and rest-stop toilets mimics the dead snags they are drawn to in nature. These birds unwittingly journey into these vents, only to find themselves trapped in the lower vault with no means of escape. It’s a heartbreaking reality, but one that we have the power to change.

Enter the Poo-Poo Project: a dedicated initiative focused on safeguarding cavity-nesting wildlife from this grim destiny. Our simple and affordable metal screens mount easily to the top of these pipes, effectively preventing birds from entering while still allowing air flow. This project has also helped raise awareness about the importance of protecting these vulnerable creatures.

Now, here’s where you come in: One of our long-term supporters, Mr. Don Lewis, has stepped forward with an incredible offer. After seeing the need for more Poo-Poo screens on our 2023 wishlist, Mr. Lewis stepped up with a generous challenge and matching incentive. For every screen sponsored to safeguard cavity-nesting wildlife, he will match it 1:1, up to 250 screens! This means that your donation will have double the impact, instantly doubling the number of lives we can save. With this donor’s help, we can issue 500 more screens to agencies in need, helping us reach our goal of 20,000 screens since the project’s inception.

And what better time to show your love and support than Valentine’s Day? Let’s spread love beyond just our human companions and extend it to the cavity-nesting wildlife that need our help. By participating in this matching opportunity, you’re not only expressing your care for wildlife but also demonstrating the power of collective action in making a difference. 

Donate today and let your love for keeping wild birds wild shine bright this Valentine’s Day!

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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