

Ambassador Appreciation Night

On January 24th, Teton Raptor Center honored volunteers for donating 7,951 hours in 2023 to support raptor conservation. The celebration, with a Hollywood theme, took place at the newly renovated Moseley/Hardeman Barn. Upon arrival, attendees walked the red carpet, enjoyed dinner generously catered by Nora’s Fish Creek Inn, and were entertained by local celebrity improv group, Laff Staff. Several volunteers were pulled on stage for fun skits that left the audience in deep laughter.

Volunteers, dubbed “volun-stars” for the night, were recognized through 10 individual awards, along with group recognition. In 2023, TRC had 19 volun-stars join the rank of Talon Society, which is achieved by donating 100 hours of service within a calendar year.

Award Winners include:

Poo-Poo Project Hero 🦉 Christian Riley

Nature Shop Hero 🪶 Janice Wilbur

Raptor Rescue Hero 🛩️ Valerie Page

Education Hero 🎓 Emily Paasche

Research Hero 💻 Leslie King

Rehabilitation Hero 👩‍⚕️ Jackie Potter

Junior Ambassador-of-the-Year 🦅 Eliza D.

Golden Owl Award 🌟 K.O. Strohbehn

Volunteer Nominated Honoree 💗 Patti Mull

Ambassador-of-the-Year 🏆 Becky Hawkins

“This celebration not only recognizes the immense dedication of our volunteers but also underscores the vital role they play in advancing our mission of raptor conservation,” said Jessie Walters, TRC’s Volunteer and Program Coordinator. “Their unwavering commitment and passion are the cornerstone of our success, and we are deeply grateful for all they do to keep wild birds wild.” The event not only served as a token of appreciation, but also as a testament to the power of community and collaboration in driving positive change in the realm of conservation.

If you’re local and looking to get involved with Teton Raptor Center, our next volunteer orientation is on Saturday, February 10. Please reach out to Jessie Walters, via [email protected] to reserve your spot!

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