

Window Safety & Sparkling Views: A Winning Combination

One of the most frequently asked questions we get at Teton Raptor Center is “What do you recommend for preventing birds from flying into my windows?” Well, with the completion of the Hardeman Barn restoration, we now have windows adorned with bird-safe markers to showcase our top recommendation! These unassuming markers play a vital role in ensuring bird safety. Shockingly, nearly 1 billion birds in North America fall victim to these preventable accidents each year, making it a leading human-related cause of avian species loss.

There are many types of products on the market to prevent bird collisions; the American Bird Conservancy has put together an excellent resource of all the types of window treatments available as well as their relative effectiveness. After much research, we chose a dot pattern manufactured by Feather Friendly.

Feather Friendly’s bird deterrent markers consist of small, vinyl adhesive stickers applied to the window using a removable film, leaving only the dots behind. The dots are spaced at 2″ intervals, the minimum spacing required to visually disrupt the reflection enough for birds to avoid the windows. These markers have also proven remarkably durable, boasting a lifespan of over 15 years.

Fortunately, the vinyl dots withstand regular cleanings, a necessity in our Wyoming environment. We are profoundly grateful for the exceptional support we received from Max Milburn and his team at Vertical Services, a Jackson-based window cleaning company, which went above and beyond by generously donating their time and services not once, but twice this summer. They cleaned the windows of the Hardeman Barn, the Conservation Barn, and our Headquarters building. This gesture not only enhances our center’s aesthetics but also brightens the outlook for our staff and visitors.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Vertical Services for their invaluable support and wholeheartedly recommend them if you’re in the Jackson area. By choosing them, you support a company dedicated to giving back to the community. Visit to learn more.

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